SEO Agency In Donegal

SEO Agency In Donegal

WebMechanic set up an SEO Agency in Donegal along with WordPress maintenance website in early 2022 and haven't looked back since.

So what makes Our SEO Agency in Donegal so different?

The simple answer is we care about our clients and how they rank online and make every effort to allow more customers to see their website. SEO is quick tricky as most SEO specialists will tell you and there are no guarantees to rank at the top of the search engines.

Google is constantly changing its algorithms and it can be hard to keep up but having good information on your website is key to ranking well. With the majority of Customers using Mobile it is Critical that information is clear and navigation is easy to use. Everything needs to flow beautifully so the customer has a good experience or else there will not be back.

We like to work alongside our clients so they fully understand what it is we do and then clearly show our results of our efforts. We offer some very low packages which allows us to keep a close eye on the business's performance and can make adjustment wherever needed. We go over everything with fine tooth comb so your website is always performing at its best. This can only be achieved with regular maintenance.

Advice to Business in Donegal

SEO is a critical part of overall website maintenance and many companies are beginning to realise this and taking action. Ad spend can be very high and a good SEO agency can save a company many thousands in advertising costs by having their client's website sitting high on the ranking for their customers preferred keyword enquiry.

There are many key factors to ranking and here are just a few.

Website Design

Website structure needs to be good with a good theme and the right plugins.

Server Speed

Businesses need to have a decent server that is fast and reliable with good support. We advise all our clients to consider Maxer as their Hosting Provided. They are an Irish Company with hosting packages for startups right up to International business.


Websites need to be easy to understand and navigated both mobile and desktop.

Speed / Responsiveness

Websites Need to be lightning fast as long delays in loading will loose you many Customers. People just don't have the patience to wait anymore.


Keywords for each business need to be directed towards the business's ideal client and the keywords they are likely to type in.


Content topics need to be based around what the business is about and their services. It also needs to be about their ideal client's needs and showing their client expertise in their field of business.

Images / Video

Customers respond well to images and video. Many business do now take advantage of this and add this content to their articles.

SEO Agency In Donegal

Social Share

Your website is your base of operation and not your Social media platform. Although social media is a brilliant tool to showcase your business, it is your website that needs the traffic. Having lots of social share features throughout your website is a great way to get more traffic to your business website.


Blogs are gold dust in SEO terms. They enable many different keywords to be used for each business and can show potential customers more information about any Particular business. One decent blog can attract many thousand or hundreds of thousands of potential customers if written correctly and is google friendly.

Links ( Internal and External )

Linking your website internally and externally is necessary to map out your entire website and to show authority by linking to other popular websites.


Google also ranks on a website's activity, New blogs , Social share of content, amount of time a customer spends on your website and where they go too after they have clicked onto your website. This tells google and the other search engines that your website has interest and its content is revelevent to potential Customers. Ranking is all about the over all quality of the website's performance and the customers experience.

I hope that was helpful to you the readers. Its just a brief outline of what an SEO agency in Donegal looks for and then implements into each website. As many businesses will see there is a lot to SEO and how it is so important to consider this service as a help to your business.

Please fell free to comment or contact me if you have any question I didn't cover in this short blog. I would be very happy to answer and advise on your next move.

More reading for business

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